C561: Atomic and molecular quantum theory
Instructor Office Hours | AI | AI Office Hours |
TBA (Chemistry C202B) | Anup Kumar | TBA |
Instructions and Resources
- The course will be conducted through detailed handouts.
- These notes are available above and make sure to bookmark this page. You are responsible for downloading these notes before you come to class. Always check if an updated version is available.
- In addition the following reference books are useful and are on reserve in the chemistry library.
- Modern Quantum Mechanics by J. J. Sakurai,
- Elements of Quantum Mechanics by Michael D. Fayer,
- Quantum Chemistry by Ira Levine,
- Quantum Mechanics by Cohen-Tannoudji.
Grading Policies
- Homeworks: 20 points. Homeworks are an important portion of this class and you will have homeworks every week. Homeworks are in the notes. You should read the notes carefully to make sure you do not miss the homeworks. You are responsible for this. Homeworks are due every week, on Wednessdays.
- Two mid-term exam: 20 points each
- Final exam (cumulative): 40 points