PhD Alumni
Dr. Junjie (Jonathan) Li
Current position: Software analyst, UITS, Indiana University
Dr. Xiaohu Li
Current position: Software engineer, Avere Systems
Dr. Isaiah Sumner
Current position: Associate Professor, James Madison University
Post-doctoral Alumni
Dr. Alexander Pacheco
Current position: Supercomputing manager at Lehigh
Dr. Prasad Phatak
Current position: Research Scientist at Shell
Dr. Alexander Prociuk
Current position: Mathematica Policy Research
Masters degree Alumni
Undergraduate Research Alumni
John DeBrota
Undergraduate Researcher
Current position: Graduate student in theoretical physics at Bostonr University.
Alex Doran
Undergraduate Researcher
Current position: Graduate student in theoretical chemistry at UIUC.
Sidney Fletcher
Undergraduate Researcher
Current position: Financial analyst, Bloomberg, Inc.
David Hocker
Undergraduate Researcher
Current position: Graduate student with Professor Herschell Rabitz at Princeton.
Virginia (Jill) Teige
Undergraduate Researcher
Current position: Outreach Coordinator at Science Systems and Applications, Inc.
Jordan Venderley
Undergraduate Researcher
Current position: Graduate student in theoretical physics at Cornell.